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Hello Blizzard Community . . .

I want to take a few minutes to talk to all of you about the Hearthstone Grandmasters tournament this past weekend. On Monday, we made the decision to take action against a player named blitzchung and two shoutcasters after the player shared his views on what’s happening in Hong Kong on our official broadcast channel.

At Blizzard, our vision is “to bring the world together through epic entertainment.” And we have core values that apply here: Think Globally; Lead Responsibly; and importantly, Every Voice Matters, encouraging everybody to share their point of view. The actions that we took over the weekend are causing people to question if we are still committed to these values. We absolutely are and I will explain.

Our esports programs are an expression of our vision and our values. Esports exist to create opportunities for players from around the world, from different cultures, and from different backgrounds, to come together to compete and share their passion for gaming. It is extremely important to us to protect these channels and the purpose they serve: to bring the world together through epic entertainment, celebrate our players, and build diverse and inclusive communities.

As to how those values apply in this case:

First, our official esports tournament broadcast was used as a platform for a winner of this event to share his views with the world.

We interview competitors who are at the top of their craft to share how they feel. We want to experience that moment with them. Hearing their excitement is a powerful way to bring us together.

Over the weekend, blitzchung used his segment to make a statement about the situation in Hong Kong—in violation of rules he acknowledged and understood, and this is why we took action.

Every Voice Matters, and we strongly encourage everyone in our community to share their viewpoints in the many places available to express themselves. However, the official broadcast needs to be about the tournament and to be a place where all are welcome. In support of that, we want to keep the official channels focused on the game.

Second, what is the role of shoutcasters for these broadcasts?

We hire shoutcasters to amplify the excitement of the game. They elevate the watchability and help the esports viewing experience stay focused on the tournament and our amazing players.

Third, were our actions based on the content of the message?

Part of Thinking Globally, Leading Responsibly, and Every Voice Matters is recognizing that we have players and fans in almost every country in the world. Our goal is to help players connect in areas of commonality, like their passion for our games, and create a sense of shared community.

The specific views expressed by blitzchung were NOT a factor in the decision we made. I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision.

We have these rules to keep the focus on the game and on the tournament to the benefit of a global audience, and that was the only consideration in the actions we took.

If this had been the opposing viewpoint delivered in the same divisive and deliberate way, we would have felt and acted the same.

OK, what could Blizzard have done better, and where do we go from here?

Over the past few days, many players, casters, esports fans, and employees have expressed concerns about how we determined the penalties. We’ve had a chance to pause, to listen to our community, and to reflect on what we could have done better. In hindsight, our process wasn’t adequate, and we reacted too quickly.

We want to ensure that we maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all our players, and that our rules and processes are clear. All of this is in service of another important Blizzard value—Play Nice; Play Fair.

In the tournament itself blitzchung *played* fair. We now believe he should receive his prizing. We understand that for some this is not about the prize, and perhaps for others it is disrespectful to even discuss it. That is not our intention.

But playing fair also includes appropriate pre-and post-match conduct, especially when a player accepts recognition for winning in a broadcast. When we think about the suspension, six months for blitzchung is more appropriate, after which time he can compete in the Hearthstone pro circuit again if he so chooses. There is a consequence for taking the conversation away from the purpose of the event and disrupting or derailing the broadcast.

With regard to the casters, remember their purpose is to keep the event focused on the tournament. That didn’t happen here, and we are setting their suspension to six months as well.

Moving forward, we will continue to apply tournament rules to ensure our official broadcasts remain focused on the game and are not a platform for divisive social or political views.

One of our goals at Blizzard is to make sure that every player, everywhere in the world, regardless of political views, religious beliefs, race, gender, or any other consideration always feels safe and welcome both competing in and playing our games.

At Blizzard, we are always listening and finding ways to improve—it is part of our culture. Thank you for your patience with us as we continue to learn.


J. Allen Brack
President of Blizzard Entertainment


대충 요약하면


1. 선수한태 상금 돌려줌. 징계기간 6개월로 낮춤

2. 캐스터 2명도 해고가 아니라 징계 6개월

  • ?
    Gorgeous      정말 위대합니다 선생! 2019.10.12 10:07
    아직도 차이나 머니에 휘둘리는 껍데기만 남은 기업은 이제 끝이 슬슬보이네요
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    블리자드가 또!
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    白夜2ndT      원래 암드빠의 길은 외롭고 힘든거에요! 0ㅅ0)-3 / Twitter @2ndTurning 2019.10.12 10:51
    응 소잃고 외양간 땜질 수고~
  • ?
    quapronuet 2019.10.12 11:05
    bring the world together 겁나 강조하는데, 무슨 자유가 억압되고 인권이 무시되고 사회가 맛이 갔어도 아무 말 없이 그저 닥치고 같이 게임만 하면 세계가 하나가 되는 거라고 보는 사상을 가지고 있다는 건 잘 알겠네요.
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    무명인사       Just freak out, let it go 2019.10.12 11:25
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    FactCore      Fact Bomber 2019.10.12 11:17
    응 이미 중국기업~ 자.본.좋.아 탄.압.조.아 ㅅㄱ~
    그냥 쓸데없는 변명으로 왈가왈부 하지 마시고 어서 빨리 뼛속까지 사랑하는 중국으로 본사 이주할 준비나 하세요 설풍오락 유한공사님 ㄲㄲ
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    무명인사       Just freak out, let it go 2019.10.12 11:25
    블리자드가 역겨운건 pc그 자체였기 때문이죠 ㅋㅋㅋ
  • ?
    대부분은버그입니다 2019.10.12 11:46
    우웩 역겹기 그지 없는 글이네요
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    고자되기 2019.10.12 12:05
    이렇게 신념을 굽히다니 좀 실망스럽네요
    어떻게 중국인이 하나의 중국이라는 원칙을 굽힐수가 있죠?
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    판사      BLACK COW IN YOUR AREA 2019.10.12 13:06
    중화민국 말고 다른 중국이 있었나요?
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    Olorin 2019.10.12 15:50
    여전히 별 차이 없어보이네요. 차라리 그냥 꾸준히 입 다물고 있는게 낫겠는데요?
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    쮸쀼쮸쀼 2019.10.12 19:36
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    Veritas      ლ(╹◡╹ლ)  2019.10.12 19:41
    Apple Door. 또 애플제품을 몇개나 사려고...
  • ?
    샤벤234 2019.10.12 22:14
    말도 안 되는 소리를 말 되는 것 처럼 써야하니 CEO도 참 난감 ㅋㅋ
  • ?
    키리바시 2019.10.13 16:15
    근데 옛날에 이목 쏠리는 곳마다 정치/인권 문제를 성토하는 사람들이 튀어나온 시기가 있었습니다. 그리고 이런 문제로 홍역을 치른 FIFA같은 단체는 이젠 축구경기중 세레모니로 정치색을 드러내는 등의 행위를 엄중 규제합니다. 중국이 잘하고 잘못하고와 결부해서 이 사건을 진영논리로 해석하려드는 사람들과 이들에 편승해서 문제를 키우려는 미국 상/하원 의원들이 가장 악질이라 봐야죠. 기성 스포츠 경기에서는 애저녁에 금지된 부분에 대해 e스포츠의 제도적 미비를 악용하여 자신의 정치적 입장을 대변하는데 이 사건을 써먹으려 드니까요.

    단적으로 말해 이런거 봐주기 시작하면 게임이 '게임'이 아니게 되는 겁니다.
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    우파루파 2019.10.14 07:53
    이미 주가는 바닥을 뚫었죠?
  • ?
    포인트 팡팡! 2019.10.14 07:53
    우파루파님 축하합니다.
    팡팡!에 당첨되어 10포인트를 보너스로 받으셨습니다.
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    Dr.Lemon 2019.10.14 12:43
    아닌대요 진짜인줄알고 확인해봤네요 하락분만큼 올라왔습니다. 블리자드의 향후행보가 불안하다고 생각하지만 불확실한 사실은 말하지 맙시다.
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    쿨피스엔조이      그아아아아앗!! 2019.10.16 10:42
    역시 돈이 최고군요..

작성된지 4주일이 지난 글에는 새 코멘트를 달 수 없습니다.

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